Photo courtesy of Ollie Crayfoord

On Friday, I was guest poster at The Cheerful Caregiver, a great blog for folks who are serving as caregivers for ill family members and friends.  

Every caregiving situation is unique, filled with distinctive obstacles and one-of-a-kind blessings. But one thing is for sure: No matter how simple your situation, caregiving is stressful, emotional and sometimes overwhelming.

Trouble is it’s often in the middle of those difficult emotions that you have to make the toughest decisions. And that’s also when the strain of caregiving starts to affect the rest of your life—making it doubly difficult to take care of yourself.

Believe it or not, math can be your best friend here. Yes, I said math.

Because, while math is not always black-and-white, it can help you tap into the practical, logical side of your brain that you need to make solid decision—and lower your stress.

Trust me: you only need the simple stuff, and you only need to do what works for you. Here are some examples.

Read the rest of the post at The Cheerful Caregiver.  (She’s giving away a copy of my book, too!)

Reducing the Emotional Punch of Caregiving — with Math
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