Over the last three years, there has been no bigger news story than personal finance. And for good reason. Most economists agree that our home-buying habits (fueled by dangerous lending practices) contributed to the Great Recession. Plus, most Americans were
Math of Homebuying: Three easy rules for budgeting
If you’ve ever been in the market for a house, you know what the real estate agent asks first. It’s not the number of bedrooms or neighborhood or whether or not the home has a detached garage. “What is your
Math at Work Monday: Jameel the financial organizer
Welcome back to Math at Work Monday! (We took time off from this regular feature, so that we could spend more time celebrating Math Appreciation Month.) If you’re new here, each Monday I post an interview with someone about how
Trim Your Spending with Percents
The first step to becoming more financially stable is writing down what you spend — and being honest about it. But what happens when you subtract your expenses from your income, and you’re in the red? Pouring yourself a
Budget basics
your New Years resolution is to save money — or spend less — most financial folks will tell you one thing: you’ve gotta have a budget. This means figuring out what you earn and how to spend those earnings. Budgets can be
Math at Work Memorial Day: Wendy the television line producer
What is a television line producer, and how long have you been doing this job? Production companies hire me after they’ve received the “green light” to develop and produce a new television series. The first thing I do is read