When I was in college, majoring in math education, I learned that math is the language of science. In fact, we called it the Queen of the Sciences. (You’d better believe that gave me a sense of superiority over the
Math for first graders
Want to know what really burns me up? Telling a kid he’s not good at math. Know what’s just as bad? Telling a mom that her kid isn’t good at math. This morning, I was early for my fitness boot
Math Secret #2: You Were Born This Way
I’m on the right track, baby I was born this way –Lady Gaga It was day two of my second year of teaching high school geometry, and already I had been called for a parent meeting in the principal’s office.
Mixing in Math: Teacher Cooks Up Lesson in the Kitchen
So this apparently is big news in Myrtle Beach. A middle school math teacher actually took her kids out of the classroom to teach them math. In the school cafeteria, the students converted decimals to percents and found surface area
Math Secret #1: There’s More than One Way to Skin a Math Problem
The more I talk to people about math, the more I hear this refrain: “I don’t like math, because math problems have only one answer.” Peshaw! Okay, so it’s not such a crazy idea. Most math problems do have one
My Math Story
The biggest fights my father and I had were about math. I kid you not. The year was 1984. I was a junior in high school, taking Algebra II. Radicals were kicking my scrawny, little butt. (Remember radicals? They look