I’m not sure I could live with Ursus Wehrli.  A Swiss artist and comedian, his ideas of order are a bit extreme.  You’ve probably seen his carefully arranged bowl of alphabet soup:

This is basic set theory — and we started learning how to do it in kindergarten.  But take a closer look.  While Wehrli decided to put his letter-shaped pasta in alphabetical order with the carrots at the bottom, he could have chosen something different — say vowels first or grouping all of the letters with curves.  (Psst… this is one of those times when math is neither right nor wrong.)

While it’s easy to see how he arranged elements in sets for this picture, some of his other endeavors are a bit more complex.  See for yourself in this week’s Film Friday clip:

Now, what do you think?  What is the criterion for each set?  Give me your take in the comments section.

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