

Now that’s bored! (Photo courtesy of CoreForce)

I’m bored with my blog.

There.  I said it.  And I think some of you feel the same way.  I don’t blame you.

While I think we’ve gotten off to a good start here at Math for Grownups, I also think it’s time to shake things up.  There are so many more opportunities to show you how you use math in everyday life — and perhaps teach you some new tricks.

So starting on November 2, there are going to be some changes around here.  Good changes.

I’m keeping what’s working (Math at Work Monday) and chucking what isn’t (Film Friday).  I’m also shifting my posting schedule a little. Instead of posting on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, I’ll post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Plus, I’m introducing monthly themes.  Not only will this help me come up with great, timely ideas, but it’ll also tap into things that you are probably already wondering about.  Here’s a taste:

  • November is for Nesting: As the seasons change (for some of us), we turn our thoughts to cozying up our home and spending time with family.
  • December is for Holidays: Whether you celebrate religious or secular holidays, there’s a festive buzz in the air.
  • January is for Resolutions: Even if you don’t make New Year’s resolutions, starting something fresh is probably on your mind.

You can still visit on Mondays to see how ordinary folks use ordinary math in their ordinary jobs.  But now my interviews will follow that month’s theme.  So in November, you can expect to meet folks who help you transition into winter or focus more on home: a radiator technician, a landscaper, a fabric designer and a chef.

On Wednesdays, I’ll post about the math used in these fields.  For example, I may teach you how to figure out if your heating bill is accurate or show you the math of winterizing your windows.  Or I may investigate how ratios are used by chefs.

And on Fridays, I’ll be scouring the internet and my brain for projects.  I might show you how to build radiator covers or sew new curtains or how to be sure the turkey comes out of the oven perfectly cooked.  Of course these projects will involve a little math.

Oh, and in November or December, I’ll roll out a new design for the blog.  Yay!

This is your chance to make requests. (Okay, it’s not your only chance.  You can always tell me what you think.)  If you’ve been waiting to see a job profiled or learn about something that’s always bugged you, post in the comments section.  These can be monthly theme ideas, projects or general math concepts that you’d like me to illuminate for you.  I promise I’ll take everyone’s thoughts into consideration.

And I’m always looking for folks to interview for Math at Work Mondays.  Right now, I’m on the prowl for a chef, a landscaper and a candle maker.  (Not a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker — but pretty darned close!) Feel free to email me with your ideas or post in the comments section.

Ah… not bored any more!