So I’ve been harping on the fact that math is flexible. And I’ve also said more than once that we do the math that we need to do. (No one here is suggesting that calculus computations are necessary for everyday
Time for Holiday Cookies — and Fractions
I haven’t started my holiday baking yet, but that time is just around the corner. Today, I bring you a post from last year, Cookie Exchange Math, in which I look at the fractions involved in tripling my cow cookie —
The Mighty Hexagon: Let bees help you garden
On Monday, Cristina Santiestevan of Outlaw Garden shared a post about the geometry of gardening, introducing us to the idea of “hexagonal spacing.” This was such a cool idea that I thought I’d explore it further. I wanted to know the math behind it.
Garden Geometry: A guest post from the Outlaw Garden
My thumb isn’t even remotely green. The only plants I have any success with are those that can sustain a tremendous amount of neglect — like hydrangea, hostas and lariope. So I asked fellow write and founder of Outlaw Garden, Cristina Santiestevan to
Preserving the Harvest: Canning with Math
As a child, the only time I ever heard my mother use the f-word was in reference to green beans. It was the summer that my father put in a huge garden at our house, and she was sick of
Counting Pages: Make a memory book
Whether for graduation or summer camp or a great trip, a memory book or journal can be a nice way to remember a special time. And since I’m currently addicted to Pinterest, I’ve been browsing tutorials–from simple booklets to fancy,
Pretty as a Picture: Using math to hang your art
Today, I bring you an excerpt from my book, Math for Grownups. Enjoy! (Now you have your weekend project planned for you.) Hanging pictures can be a tricky business. If you’re not careful, your foyer can look like a hall of
Ready, Set, Organize!
When I decided to organize my junk drawer two weeks ago, I did what most folks do — I purchased a drawer divider set with a variety of different sizes. The idea is to group like things together. The pencils
Getting organized bit by bit
“My house is a disaster.” How many times have you uttered these words or heard someone else say them? You and they are not alone. Getting organized is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But like losing weight, it’s
Using Math to Wrap Gifts
My shopping is done. I’ve got no more baking to do. And save one, all of the great holiday parties are wonderful memories. But I still have this stack of gifts to wrap. I figure there are two kinds of people in the world:
Cookie Exchange Math
Ah, the cookie exchange! What better way to multiply the variety of your holiday goodies. (You can always give the date bars to your great aunt Marge.) The problem with this annual event is the math required to make five or
Using a diagram: Making curtains
Curtains are the ultimate nesting project. Not only do they finish off a room, but they keep out drafts and provide privacy. And lined curtains are even cozier. Making curtains is not as hard as it may seem. If I can do